Sunday, June 13, 2010

Green Beach

Watching the destruction of the Gulf and the surrounding beaches and wildlife is insane.

I suspect that not enough of you realize the difference you can make. Green Beaches start without OIL.

The fact that OIL is the villain in this battle and not the government or the OIL industry makes me realize that I am guilty too.

Where the hell is my car that runs on AIR. Are they not smart enough to use the wind power in an Engine?? Solar power Vehicle to hard to build?? Wind Power and Solar Power street lights on remote and desolate highways is totally out of this realm??

Renewable resources....I thought they said something about that in the 3rd grade.

Call me for a full briefing....and let's revolutionize the industry dependent on Oil.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Glee Season 1 Wrap Up

So the female star's name of New Directions is RACHEL.

Quinn and Puck's baby's name is BETH.

My name is Rachel Beth.

The last song of the season was from The Wizard of Oz written by L. Frank Baum.

L. Frank Baum and I share the same birthday.

The Wizard of Oz is based in Kansas.

I am in Kansas.

I always feel like someone is watching me...

Monday, June 7, 2010

Free Turn Signals

Turn signals were added to vehicles in the late 1930's and I know more than half of you haven't realized what this device does.

It is free to use!! You don't have to pay anything to use it.

It is required on the State and Federal Driver's Exams.

Lastly, the signal is meant for all other drivers to know where your going and what your doing.

The car also comes standard with a horn!!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Reality with Rachel

Today is the first day of Reality with Rachel.

There are various issues that must be explored and I need to tell you about them.

You will be glad you heard it here first.